Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Day Nine - morning

It's raining. A lot.

Things are getting a little desperate at the moment. We have lost lots of optical timeand the weather forecast suggests that Saturday will be the earliest possibility for optical observations, and even that is patchy.

There is good news, though, Todd's equipment is up and seems to be working. He went up on the roof to give the dome a good clean (I held the ladder) after making sure his camera was stable. Now we just sit and wiat for stars so that he can focus it (and so we can focus DASI as well).

In addition, the UHF went funny again last night, right at the end of the Finnish run. They think it is fixed now but we don't know for sure. The excellent news is that today they managed to have the VHF running for Antti's experiment, ANTII. This is very similar to our DLETE experiment except that for part of the time they are using a new code of Marku's design, SIPPI.
As for DLETE, it is due to start on Saturday, with a run on Sunday and one on Monday. My thought is to cancel either Saturday or Sunday, depending on the Space Weather, and reduce Monday to two hours from the 4. This will mean I have used only 6 hours and will still have time in reserve to run next year with ARIES. In addition PAMS is due to start on Saturday; this coincides with the impact of a high speed stream from a coronal hole as predicted by Space Weather. I am pleased to see that my own prediction appears to be holding up. I will run this on both Saturday and Sunday and possibly on Monday. That leaves me with 12 hours for next year. In addition I think I shall use the new ard_dlayer high time resolution experiment. This could give potentially interesting results.

No photos for a while, basically there is not much worth shooting. :-(


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